Wednesday, October 26, 2011

I started a blog... and Sleep keeps me happy!

I started a blog! Yes, I've started a blog in the past too, but it was short lived. This one might be just as short lived, but at least I'm trying again!

The thing about my blog is that it won't have a single-subject focus... This will make it boring unless you are just interested in all the boring things I do. Maybe someone is. Maybe not. Anyway, I will also be able to keep some posts as journals, so it will cut down on paper in my office too, and that is a very exciting idea!

Now on to my really boring story about my most recent sleep discovery!

Last night for the first time in (what seems like) quite some time, I slept very well. I have had my sisters dogs with me, and I have been allowing them to be "inside dogs" while I am home. Well rain came yesterday, and so the dogs were very wet. I let them in for a few seconds thinking it might be ok, but alas, the dogs were literally sliding all over my tile, and got my entire floor muddy. I had to kick the dogs out, and they had to sleep outside last night.

And of course I had to get down and mop my floor, as it was a complete disaster.

What I realized was that since having the dogs in my room every night, I have been waking up quite a lot during the night. I have been late to work every day for a while now, because I hit snooze 4-5 times per morning! This morning I awoke refreshed five minutes before my alarm (at 5:1oAM) and have now decided that the dogs may remain outside dogs. I love how I feel today, and I am not relying on coffee to keep me awake!!!

Maybe this is something like life before kids, a full night of sleep. I really needed it, and I'm not sure how I will survive for long (sane) if I have kids / sleep deprivation! Or maybe this is why my sisters with children no longer work outside the home... :-)